My Thanksgiving Pies for This Year


sad turky

I have been dreading Thanksgiving for years. When pie time comes, I try to ignore everyone or disappear. I have missed out on my favorite pies since going casein free. Now that I have learned more about vegan pie crust and fillings I’m very excited for my Thanksgiving dessert this year!

I am so happy with my version of gluten free, vegan pie crust. I use fresh ground almond butter along with other ingredients. It turns out looking and tasting GREAT!



My pumpkin and coconut cream pie fillings are especially exciting! I’m so happy I’ve learned there’s a way to make them with no casein. And I’ve learned the key to thickening/setting the fillings, including refrigerating the pies overnight.


Thankfully I have a new attitude about Thanksgiving with my family this year!

Gluten Free Vegan Pumpkin Pie

Vegan Coconut Cream Pie Filling

Comments on My Thanksgiving Pies for This Year

November 11, 2013

Susie @ 7:47 am #

They look so good! So nice to know there is a healthy AND delicious option for pie this year.