Citrus Jell-O Surprise


1 3-oz lime Jell-O
1 3-oz lemon Jell-O
1 3-oz orange Jell-O
2 6-oz yogurt (lime, lemon or orange)
1 fresh lemon
1 fresh lime
4 9-ounce clear plastic cups.

Bring one cup water to a boil in microwave (2 minutes); add to lime Jell-O. Stir until dissolved. Pour evenly into four cups. Place into freezer for 1/2 hour. Repeat with lemon Jell-O, then with orange Jell-O. After orange Jell-O is set, add yogurt evenly to tops and place in freezer for 1/2 hour. Slice lemon and lime to make garnishes and serve.