Gluten Free Nutty-Apple Breakfast Quinoa


Cinnamon-Apple-Breakfast-Quinoa (1)

Gluten Free Nutty-Apple Breakfast Quinoa

1 cup water
½ cup quinoa
½ cup mixed nuts, chopped
2 6-oz vanilla yogurt (you can substitute with vanilla rice or soy milk)
2 apples, chopped
1 tsp cinnamon

Bring water to a boil. Stir in quinoa, cover with a lid, turn heat to a medium-low and cook 15 minutes. Plump with a fork and cool in fridge or freezer. In bowl stir together nuts, yogurt, apple, cinnamon and cooled quinoa.

For hot version, add apples to quinoa while cooking. When quinoa is done, stir in the other ingredients. Enjoy!

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Comments on Gluten Free Nutty-Apple Breakfast Quinoa

March 24, 2011

Sarah @ 12:55 pm #

Sounds good! I’ll have to try it!

March 25, 2011

Susie @ 2:01 pm #

I eat oatmeal with nuts, apples, and vanilla yogurt. I’m going to try the quinoa version. It sounds delicious!

March 28, 2011

Christine @ 9:55 am #

I’m going to have to try this. Garrett’s always trying to eat Jason’s oatmeal, and I know that he would love to not have to sneak to eat some yummy hot cereal.