About Me


I’m Larraine – a wife, mother of three, and grandmother of six. My family is the most important thing! I enjoy songwriting, sewing, painting, cooking, baking, and being a “Grammy.” And, I have celiac disease. When I received my diagnosis a few years ago, after being deathly ill for weeks, I was so relieved. I knew that FINALLY I would have a chance to be healthy. I learned everything I could about celiac disease and how I needed to eat for the rest of my life. Later I learned more about food intolerance and more specifics about nutrition that I  have incorporated into my diet. It’s been an interesting journey!

My daughter, Kayli, was diagnosed with celiac disease when she was 15. At that time we had no idea that it was a genetic disease. We tried rice pastas, but they were flavorless and gooey. We ordered baking flours from the Internet, but when I made bread and cookies out of them they were awful. We joined our relatives in Indianapolis for Thanksgiving that year. Kayli cried during dinner because she couldn’t eat the rolls or pies. Later, she ate some cookie dough, then cried more when she realized she couldn’t have that either. It was devastating to see my little girl so unhappy.

My niece, Christine, is married and has 3 beautiful kids. All three have been diagnosed with autism. For quite a while they had no eye contact with others, spoke mostly nonsense, and had bowel problems. They woke up and stayed awake for hours during the night and bounced off the walls constantly. They now eat a gluten-free diet and the changes are quite amazing: Improved eye contact and speech, less hyperactive behavior, more normal bowel movements, better sleep at night.

I have spent a great deal of time studying and practicing a gluten-free diet to help myself and my family. I am often contacted by people who have just received a diagnosis of celiac disease, and are overwhelmed with what they should do. There are so many out there who could live happier, healthier lives if they just had the right information. My lifetime of suffering has become a life of helping others understand a gluten-free diet, creating and sharing gluten-free recipes, eating and enjoying good food. Most important of all, I now experience a healthy and happy life with my family. You’ve heard people talk about a new lease on life. I have a new LIFE!

Comments on About Me

July 15, 2008

Norene @ 5:05 pm #

It is looking good!

July 20, 2008

Ann @ 3:03 pm #

Hi Larraine,

Your website is looking great! I passed it along to a good friend with celiac.

Cousin Ann

September 18, 2008

Debbie R. @ 7:35 pm #

I’m glad I found you on Plurk. My husband has Celiac Disease. We have managed to figure out what he can and can’t eat. Whenever we are not sure, he doesn’t eat it. It’s great to have some new options and tasty looking recipes.


October 9, 2008

darth plurkus @ 5:36 am #

Missing you over on Plurk! Hope you are ok.

February 27, 2011

Patti @ 6:38 am #

I am recently diagnosed with celiac disease. Your page has been very helpful and the recipes are great! Thanks!

March 30, 2011

Gav @ 7:29 pm #

Hi Larraine,

I just wanted to say thank you for this website. I have a gluten allergy that started at as intolerance to wheat. I recently had surgery on my mouth and I broke out in blisters in my mouth and hives, after adding wheat back in my diet. My doctor 10 years ago told me I needed to cut wheat out of my diet, but I pretty much refused to, because as you pointed out I tired the gluten free products and they were not pleasant.

10 years later, I found your website through a coworker. You have provided me with some great ideas for recipes. I am glad there has been some great improvements to many of the foods I tried in the past. Did you find that once you started a gluten/casin free diet that you lost weight, I have found this to be true for me. Not sure why it happened, but I was unable to take off weight and was gaining it until I gave up the wheat. Anyways I wanted to say thank you for your site.

April 3, 2011
September 30, 2012

Norene @ 11:11 pm #

I want to thank you for the recipes and information you have so freely shared. I have been eating gluten free for about a year now. Tonight I was so hungry for apricot cobbler! I was searching the web for a recipe and stumbled onto your website. I can hardly wait to try your recipes! They look and sound so good! Also, I think you cook a lot like I do so I am anxious to try them. I also like you info on “The 7 Steps to a gluten free diet” — very good basic info. Thanks again and God bless you!

July 14, 2014

Virginia @ 11:10 pm #

You look amazing! Man “Grammys” have changed haven’t they?! 🙂 Thank you so much for this site!